How is this even possible

I deleted a floating island I was making on a map i’m currently working on. I’ve saved and done work since then with the map gone.

I just restarted my pc and went back into the editor…loaded the map and lo and behold…the island…is back.

how is this even possible? I deleted it like 8 hours ago and have saved NUMEROUS times since then. the other crazy bit is. all the work i’ve done since. Is still here.


That dev kit likes doing this… I usually have to delete the files with the dev kit closed for it to recognize that there been deleted without restoring them on restart

how do i do that? that might also explain why when I play the map in preview, its making me play an older version and the stuff I recently put isn’t on it. Its not on the entire map either…just a region of it.

you most likely clicked restore when you opened the dev kit again, Also do you click save or save-all? its a big difference, also enable auto save to save content and maps

In the Editor

When I run the map

if someone can explain this, that would be great as I dunno how to even look this up in the forums.

and now the visibility brush isn’t working anymore, it just removes the texture now leaving a checkboard…even when I run it in preview…just checkerboard…no hole.

Are you using 2 landscapes?

as for the visability make sure the material on your landscape is Mi_newisland and Mi_newisland_hole

nope just one landscape.

this is my landscape settings

your settings are wrong set them to mi_newisland and Mi_newisland_hole

you have 2 with holes, 1 old and 1 new, both needs to be the new one but only the last one with _hole

Ok I got the visibility to work thanks to Uzumi. Thank you very much sir.

but I still do not understand the issue I posted here with the screenshots. How come there is what looks to be 2 landscapes.

I am fairly sure that you have 2 landscapes or 1 landscape and 1 proxy

I shut off the landscape…the only one listed and everything vanished except the foliage and the spawn areas…there was no landscape anywhere.

can it be attached to the landscape? I mean I dunno how to merge things so I am fairly sure that’s not what I did.

Landscape on

Landscape off

could it be because I have an older version of this map saved in the folder?

THAT FIXED IT…the backup map was loading as well…i deleted it and WHAMMO no more issue.

thanks everyone who offered advice…you guys are the bestest in this post…

could it be because I have an older version of this map saved in the folder?


Dont keep backups inside of the adk folder, make a folder somewhere else and keep the backup there, Any umap inside Content/Mods/yourmod will be loaded when you load up your map

EDIT: Seems you fixed it :slight_smile:

yah I woke up this am and was like…“wait a tic”

it just made common sense so i deleted it. this also solves a few problems on the larger map I am making

NOW…to figure out how to make custom spawns…