I deleted a floating island I was making on a map i’m currently working on. I’ve saved and done work since then with the map gone.
I just restarted my pc and went back into the editor…loaded the map and lo and behold…the island…is back.
how is this even possible? I deleted it like 8 hours ago and have saved NUMEROUS times since then. the other crazy bit is. all the work i’ve done since. Is still here.
That dev kit likes doing this… I usually have to delete the files with the dev kit closed for it to recognize that there been deleted without restoring them on restart
how do i do that? that might also explain why when I play the map in preview, its making me play an older version and the stuff I recently put isn’t on it. Its not on the entire map either…just a region of it.
you most likely clicked restore when you opened the dev kit again, Also do you click save or save-all? its a big difference, also enable auto save to save content and maps
and now the visibility brush isn’t working anymore, it just removes the texture now leaving a checkboard…even when I run it in preview…just checkerboard…no hole.
could it be because I have an older version of this map saved in the folder?
Dont keep backups inside of the adk folder, make a folder somewhere else and keep the backup there, Any umap inside Content/Mods/yourmod will be loaded when you load up your map