How is my client updating replicated bools but my server can not?

Currently have a bool in Game Instance. “CharacterSelected”
Once loaded into my lobby menu I have a button widget set up in which changes this bool using a CustomEvent which is Multicasted then running that off of a RunOnServer CustomEvent. These are located in MyControllerBP.

I call the (ROS)change bool from my widget casting to my controller after on clicked with my bool changing button.

When i load up with two players, Server and Client. On the Client I can change the bool and it will update on both client and Server.
But when I change the bool from the server it will only update the server.

Anyone got any ideas for me to try ?

Tried nearly all options combination on my bool thats in my Game instance, (Instance editable,expose on spawn, replicated) and tried storing the bool in other places such as player state and game mode but the closest i can get two clients to being the same is in the game instance so ive stuck with that for now.

Hey there @PearcyScott and come to the Unreal Engine forums!

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