Hey there @Mkhize47! Welcome back to the community! Generally for the VFX portion you’d just use a beam (ribbon) particle with tangents enabled and passing tangent information through scratch (Niagara scripting) if needed.
For just the blueprints portion, breaking it down into separate elements helps here.
- Target acquisition: Lots of ways to go about this, but personally I’d check if a possible target is visible then check how close it is to the center of the screen and check distance.
- Validity: Line of sight check with a Line Trace towards your target and using position info to determine tether validity.
- Positions: Position of the beam start and end target can be tracked to send to the VFX if needed.
- Gameplay: The actual healing portion sending heal calls to the target.
VFX portion: Ribbon tutorial:
VFX portion: Thread to help attaching a spline to Niagara (alternative to just using tangents if you want more control):