Am doing a research project and wanted to know what math is used in fortnite.
as with any game theres a bunch of math involved. computers are all about math and games are built on equations. so the simple answer would be that there is algebra, vector math, calculus, and lots of simple things like addition and multiplication. as for the education to make games and the systems therein, thats a broad spectrum of things beyond just math. depending on what specific aspect your talking about will determine what needs to be learned and to what degree.
this is a very odd question without a simple answer. it would probably be best if you focused on a more specific aspect and explained what you wanted to know in greater and more specific detail.
also not i am commenting on this as a general game developement topic. i do not work for Epic and have not worked on fortnite. oh also for fornite questions go to the fortnite support page (from what ive heard those devs dont come here at all)
ayy lmao i don’t know