how i pass param for sub process when i use waitAndFork

The code proposes to use a directory address
this is my directory structure,path:…/288250797249363969
the config content is -server -ExecCmds=“t.MaxFPS 25” -nothreading
params are saved in the file which named config
and i pass -WaitAndForkCmdLinePath=…/288250797249363969 to parentProccess
but it doesn’t pass in the expected parameters for the child proccess
i expect it pass config file’s content to child process

From the code, I understand that the folder you point to with WaitAndForkCmdLinePath needs to contain files named after the children IDs (so 1, 2, 3 and so forth) with the command line laid out in those (without the executable name, so start with the first -param you want to pass).