How i know when the World is ready to be used?

I’m spawning a Niagara System from an UWorldSubsystem, in this function →

virtual void Initialize(FSubsystemCollectionBase& Collection) override;

And i get this Warning

LogNiagara: Warning: Calling FNiagaraWorldManager::Get “L_Empty2”, but Niagara has never encountered this world before. This means that WorldInit never happened. This may happen in some edge cases in the editor, like saving invisible child levels, in which case the calling context needs to be safe against this returning nullptr.

I think maybe is too soon to use the World in that function.
How i know when the World is ready to be used?
Or the problem could be something else?

Thank you so much!!

I fixed the error… i spawned the systems from this function

//Called after world components (e.g. line batcher and all level components) have been updated|
virtual void OnWorldComponentsUpdated(UWorld& World) {};
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