How I do I stabilise the camera of this POV Metahuman shot?

Hey there

I have a first-person Metahuman POV shot. I have attached a camera to a bone of my metahuman (neck_01). This achieves the POV effect. However, naturally, since it is attached to the bone, the camera is moving dramatically in response to every slight twist / turn, and the result is quite motion-sickness inducing. My question is: how would I reduce this camera movement, so it is more bearable to watch?


Now, ordinarily, I think you could reduce this shake by stabilising it in post. But as this will be a 360-degree video (I will not render it 2D as I have done for the .gif), I am not sure this is so easy. Another way to fix it would be to tone down the intensity of the motion-capture, but I think this would take too much time as well, and also destroy the animation that I have captured.

The effect I am going for is a stabilised Go-Pro effect. Where the head (or the camera) stays relatively still, while the rest of the body moves like normal. So I was wondering if anyone else had any solutions?
