How I could blend the Tree's soil texture to better mix with the Nordic texture?

A recurring pattern I’ve noticed from using Quixel assets is that each unique item from separate collections have incredibly different textures, and this one in particular stands out. I’m curious if anyone has went through the hassle of re-coloring textures, and like to know how this could be done.


Hi PlkaDERP,

You can use a method of dithering the mesh into the landscape, there’s a section on that in a Quixel tutorial - about 1/3 the way down, look for “Pixel Depth Offset”

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Great answers from both. I might have marked Unreal Sensei’s video as the solution due to bias, but the Quixel article also offers good solutions (World Aligned Texturing, Pixel Depth Offset, Distance Field Mesh Blending, and Runtime Virtual Texting - Just writing those down in case they could come up on a search result).

Appreciate the help. Cheers.

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