I am studying programming, I’m considering using the UDK, is there any way to create a home game for my xbox or have to ask Microsoft or any distributor?
obs-I will not sell the game if it works, because I’m training, nonprofit
Note 2-excuse my english, I am brazilian
Hi Gabriel-Prime,
Are you referring to UDK/UE3 or the Unreal Engine 4? The AnswerHub is setup to be for Unreal Engine 4 questions only.
In either situation with UE4 or UE3/UDK you would have to be a registered developer with Microsoft to develop for their console. This is regardless of whether you plan to release or keep to yourself. You would also need a DevKit from Microsoft to start developing for their console as well.
If you have any other questions about it let me know. I can direct you to who you would need to contact.
thanks very much, but i dont need this now, as I said, i’m studying programming, and i begin studying Zbrush and Mocap programs, i’m just curious to play a homemade game, if i need the contacts, i tell you
thanks men
-and again, sorry for my english-