how i can make a collision of a trail?

i been trying to make a collition for a trail of a vehicle like in tron: legacy but i dont know how to do it, i tried to add collition to the ribborn that you may see in the image attached

i don’t know what i should add or do, can someone guide me please?

You will need to spawn a sequence of Box collisions that conform to the trail.

Ideally, manage these box collisions inside a single Actor/Component for the sake of performance. But the logic flow should look roughly like this.

Record Location of Vehicle as [PriorVehicleLoc] …then… When Vehicle has moved a Distance>[RibbonResolutionDist] Create a Box collision with a length equal to the distance between [PriorVehcileLoc] and [ActorLocation]. Assign each Box collision to a Map/Struct with a [Lifetime] equal to the lifetime of your Trail.

Keep track of these Collisions in your map, and tick their lifetimes down by Delta time every tick.
When a box’s lifetime is <=0, destroy it!

It can seem a bit faffy, but this is generally how things like this are handled in games.

[RibbonResolutionDist] will need a strike a good balance between accuracy and optimization. too.

thx for the response!, i’ll try and show you the results, i was trying recently with instanced static mesh like this:

but now that i got your response, i’ll try that, thx!

My runtime gizmo plugin (Position system finished, I am working on Rotation system) has a custom collision box feature (it is finished, too). You can define any shapes with TArray and you can change its shape at runtime.

Each FVector represents a vertex position.
You can do like this.

  • Create a spline
  • Get position from at every for example 10cm (depends on your smoothness requirements)
  • Offset and store them for three times (for thickness and height). (1st set original; 2nd set 10 cm left; 3rd set 200 cm above; 4th set 10 cm left and 200 cm above)

You’re along the right lines! Switch those to box collisions and set the right length based on how often you’re spawning them and you’re on your way!

curved lines won’t be good.