How I can disable the copy/past in editable text boxes?

Could you help me please, I need to prevent copy/paste, is there easy way, other than create KeyDown handler in UEditableTextBox, and check for a key combination?
I mean like this:

FReply UEditableTextBox::OnKeyDown(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& KeyEvent)
	if (KeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::C && KeyEvent.IsControlDown())
		return FReply::Handled();
	if (KeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::V && KeyEvent.IsControlDown())
		return FReply::Handled();
	return FReply::Unhandled();

It works, but I’m trying to avoid engine changes

Hey there @d.kononchuk! Welcome to the community! Off the top of my head I was going to recommend editing the source to consume the input, but it seems you already reached that conclusion. You may be able to do this in game by trying to consume the input in blueprint or C++ itself, but I’m uncertain if text boxes bypass that there as I’ve never had the the use case to do so.