I try everything i could find but nothing working even the official documentation is broken.
I want to create a resident evil system.
It’s quite simple. Just follow my steps;
Add two cameras and two trigger boxes to the level, set the cameras’ location and rotation. Place each trigger box on a proper location.
Now select the cameras and create a reference for each camera inside the level blueprint. Now select each of the trigger boxes and create an event (event on begin overlap) for each of the boxes inside the level blueprint.
You can have as many trigger boxes and cameras all over your level as you want. You can also do the same thing using actor blueprints (Add the trigger box and the camera to the actor BP) instead of level BP.
Hope it help.
Thanks for your answer but as you see this i have figure it out the problem is the next step i can’t make the switch from camera to the next one i have triggers but they don’t work how i can make this transition from camera to the next etc?
Ι have the first camera set and ready as you see.
The answer been updated.
Ohhhhh ■■■■ it works…thanks so much brother.
So again thanks for the help i want to ask one more thing when I’m switch from camera to camera the inputs stay the same so it looks like reversed how i can use the SetControlRotation so i can move right based on camera view?
I have your answer. But since this is quite a different question, I would suggest you to ask it in another post, for those who this question may be theirs as well. Afterward, post the new question link here for me to answer.
The problem however is, when you are overlapping both triggers and return to your previous position the camera doesnt switch back. If you have a sollution for that, I would be thankfull.