How I can add a map to a project?

Hello everyone, I’ve created two maps, but my problem is that I’ve created also a project for every map, so what I want to do is to put these 2 maps in 1 project instead of 1 project for evry map…What I have to pass to the project?
I hope you’ve understood what I mean, sorry for my bad english but I’m Italian :slight_smile:

so you don’t know how to create new levels or you want to merge a map in another project into one.

I don’t think it should work unless you migrate the other components first, materials, actors etc.

Ok, the problem is That i’ve created the two maps I need in two different project And i would like to merge them into 1 projec, for example put the map “example_1” in "Myproject " where there’s also “example _0”

@ShinDragon check my edit.

Ok try this, open both projects at the same time, in the project you want to be your main make a new level, then on the other project you can copy all the elements that are on your map you can press the copy all short cut ctrl+a, then paste them in your main level. Hmm I don’t know if this will work, but it won’t take too much to try.