I’m playing the game Chorus, made with Unreal Engine, and I wondering how they have done this amazing starry sky:
Do you know how they have done it? Or and advice.
I’m playing the game Chorus, made with Unreal Engine, and I wondering how they have done this amazing starry sky:
Do you know how they have done it? Or and advice.
Hi ViaCognita,
In my day all you got was a box and a texture!
I know one of our community members @Kashaar worked on this game!
What aspects of the sky are standing out to you? From the trailer the cloudiness/atmospherics stand out to me.
Thanks @Astrotronic!
I want to create a starry night sky for one of my games. I want to know how to add stars to the sky.
And it’s a pleasure to meet someone, @Kashaar, that have worked in one of my favourite games. Chorus is amazing!!!
You can make them in Blender
But there is also a procedural generator, it’s free, damned if I can find the URL…
I’m afraid I’d have to get permission to explain it in detail, but it’s really nothing terribly complicated, just good textures mostly!