How hard is unreal engine c++?

It’s pointing to a reffrence address sector, locking it into place , it could point to many addresses depending on the size of bits it has, like ocupy more than one address.

It is a refrence because by definition it’s what a refrence is, in plain english refrence comes from refering to objects with a label, pointing at them with the finger.

They are defined as different things depending how you view things, an address is just a refrence, then there are the other refrences they talk about really in tuts refrencing and de ref.

byte - What does address mean in hex? - Stack Overflow

Some people speak in different dialects. Lol

What is a hex address.

Hex, decimal, and symbol values - IBM Documentation

The hexadecimal values are provided as a reference. For any literal value specified in the Type Designer Properties window, hexadecimal values must be enclosed in double angle brackets. For example, <<0A>> represents the hexadecimal value for a line feed character.

To add to my notion, think of the processor, and the ram, the cpu has to place calls on the ram, and to do this to know where to place calls it has a thing called instruction sets.
These instruction sets contain information on memory alocation, it contain memory addresses, so it contains refrence to the memory addresses it wants to dial up and call. This is called a refrence point

When you are creating a pointer you are creating a refrence point to handle the call.
So refrence points or pointer are memory addresses that get called by the cpu that has these addresses stored up as a refrence point where to call, where to place the call on the ram.

It actually amuses me how little software engienier knows, they had a bit of extra c++ knowlege and they think they are software engeniers, hahaha. Has no knowlege of general computer science at all Procedure Calls, Remote Procedure Calls on pointer refrences.

Never let anyone tell you a hex address is not a refrence point

It all depends on what you want to do, and what is the nature of your game project. It can go from really very easy to an absolute pain. Anyone that wants a game that invests largely on 3D meshes, and assets visual quality, will find the engine pretty easy. Anyone that wants to make a game that depends on animation-interactions like DarkSoul, like fighting games will also find it easy. Anyone wants to make a game based on simple physics simulation, will also find learning easy. However, any game, including the previous ones, that will for whatever reason ultimately need an understanding of the source code, or editing it, will be a very huge task that will be ofc difficult.

In other words, if your game is within the standard common genres of games in the market, and does not need AAA level optimization, then your task is really smooth and easy.

PsyKukiller, people come here to do that, build some blue print and make different versions of the e game and cash on it.

I am here to see what I can build, how far I can take things, if you earn something from that very good, but it’s more of a hobby something you enjoy.

Ripoff games are made with blueprints fast, you can find these people who make them on discord, they form a crowd there on one of the chanels, they call their beings, software enginiers :hushed:

They are so good at it that I went there to get some help and ended up instead giving code, they were like begging for some code and at the same time dissing me, so I gave this software engenier girl some code to upload stuff made by me because she can’t create hers. Lol.

That is it man, I’m not giving any code anymore, if I l;ike you I will help you, all you do is help them create another improved ripoff game so he can make some extra money as a scam artist.

So unreal may not be hard but C++ is, it’s not easy to learn for people without a history into computer language.

100% this.

I would argue that rather than giving code is a way to reinforce what you know or at the best case find new solutions to problems. I have learn a lot, and i mean a lot just reading in the forums. You guys might think you are just helping the person that posted the problem, but others with similar issues will eventually see it. Your view is more than justifiable, but I hope not many share it. :grimacing:

As someone who is venturing mostly self taught into Unreal’s C++, it sometimes feels like trying to recreate a magic trick by actually going after the magic rather than focusing on the trick: think how cut a person in half with a saw without killing them vs hiding two people in the box.

It is hard and in my little experience to survive you need to learn and love how to problem solve.


Pezzotti, it’s not like I’m not going to help people if I can, just be aware who you help.

Might be one of those Software Engeniers. Back in my days, it was called a computer programmer a more sober term down to earth and reality.
Software Enginier sounds a bit milenial to like inflate ego once you capitalize on other’s people work.

Look how great I am, I am a software nivea cream, I’m begging for your code, because I suck in reality lol.

It just bothered me, I went on discord again and ran into some cave people again, I said what the heck is wrong with your “inflation” your temper. Lucky me I found another channel with down to earth people who post on unreal engine code and I got some help there

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Feel free to share or PM!

90% of forum posts come down to people begging for code.

Some of them do so with the mistaken idea that we of the community are here to give them code.

Out of those, some come in here expecting people to do research for them free of charge on how they should do something.
Those tend to tick me off the most, to the point of just flat out reporting their accounts to get them banned. (Already happened 3 times the past year for the same dude).

Either way, sharing code is just a bad idea if you are trying to get them to learn.
They won’t they’ll copy the stuff you give and learn absolutely nothing - case in point can be found as a somewhat active general discussion.

If you give them Pseudo code or even better an abstract set of instructions that they have to decode and implement - then, maybe they’ll learn something while doing it.

You are still depriving them of the whole learning process in a way. By giving out a set of instructions that won’t have them bash their head on a wall trying to giggle out why the order of operations they have isn’t working…

Either way, there are no “real” engineers.
Even MIT which is supposedly the tip top tier teaches sh*t now a days… the older we grow, the more the new generations are fracking clueless / can’t problem solve to save their own life.

This is also getting very much off topic.

Not being able to problem solve means you will never be a good coder. Ever.
Doesn’t really have much to do with UE, cpp or anything though…

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it’s fine mostly I do it too from time to time when I don’t understand some things, just don’t diss, I’m an “expert” you are “wrong” I’m a software pizza engenier. I’m so inflated I have become a Kite.

Then can you please give me some code how to …
:hushed: :scream:

They are not software engeniers, they have some C++ knowlege and made a few projects in uneral and got some money maybe off of these things and now they think they really are software engenier.

A software engenier has a real licence, he is an authorized licenced personel either a univeristy certified licenced person or a free lance lancer that has a licence from city hall, he went to some classess atended got some degree, worked with many corporations, he has a licence, software engenier licence.

It’s when I see them state they are a software banana it just makes you laugh really, how hype and ego centric the kittens are

In the US there is no such licensing or requirement - I doubt there is one anywhere else.

People can call themselves whatever they want.
Sh*ttalking is great and all, in the real world experience and know-how is all that counts.

Having a degree doesn’t mean you know anything at all, in fact, in the current socio-economic US system, all it means is that you regurgitated whatever trash they told you to regurgitate into a thesis that “didn’t offend” the commies who were attacking you at the dissertation.

Being this is 100% the same in 2 other European countries, I seriously doubt any piece of paper from anywhere actually amounts to anything.

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what is a MIT licence. it’s why you go there, there is university diploma because you went to a university that has this domain into computer language, it’s called a licence.

These are the real software engeniers that come off from MIT, Harvard, Cambrige and other smaller univeresities with a licence, they do get a licence, and there is the others who are free lancers and have a licence from City Hall after attending computer industry school classes , they can work on their own or they can get hired with their licence.

This is everywhere, you just don’t know about it.
Doctors go to medical school to get a licence and so on.

It’s just hilarious he comes to me and says we are Software Engeniers (from mars)
okay okay, there there now… loose the temper

Even doctors aren’t reliable. Particularly in the US.
Whereas in Europe they flat out practice medicine on you without having ever dissected a cadaver before because the church exists.

Pieces of paper are just that. What you call yourself is just that.

I’ll know what you are worth in an interview with even a single question. As would any other actual professional in any actual business.

Sure you went to ivy league, that’s got to count for something… no, It doesn’t.
Particularly when you don’t know what a pointer is. For instance.

And while doctors have to have a license to practice not many others - definitely not software engineers - are required to have a license unless they work government jobs (think dod stuff, and even then if you know what you are doing, they come seeking you, they don’t require a license).

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Just let it be most host.
I just found it funny how ego centric some people are, they are like an inflatable raft.

But just to add, it’s hard to pass an exam, no matter what domain, so doctors go to medical school for up to 10 years in some countries before becoming a doctor for example.

You do have to study hard to pass exams, it’s not easy as some people may think.
My aunt is a nurse and she had to go up to 4 years I think to become one and it wasn’t easy for her.

And while doctors have to have a license to practice not many others - definitely not software engineers - are required to have a license unless they work government jobs

That strange, you don’t have to be qualified to occupy a possition job at some important corporation desk job as a computer programmer, like microsoft. No licence at all ?

Microsoft, IBM these are just a few, I don’t think you can go there and get hired without some form of a degree licence.

… most of the engineers I know are self taught, there really weren’t comp sci / engineering courses available when we were growing up, or what there was turned out to be utterly useless information, at least at the smaller schools. (like, “COBOL 301” and “RPG IV 101”)

I made it through half a year of college, and then moved onto my previous career. about 12 years ago, I got the attention of some devs that were building some stuff for the then brand new UDK, and I’ve been a professional engineer ever since.

There’s most definitely not a licence for software engineering, and outside of some specific market areas, I think most people know well enough that there’s plenty of people out there with experience that puts them well over what a degree on it’s own says you have. The number of people trying to headhunt me into the automotive industry is mind boggling – I don’t want a ■■■■ thing to do with writing code that is responsible for people’s lives.

Cool you can work for unreal without a degree, NASA won’t accept you :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Tho elon musk says otherwise lol, “come to papa if you know”
I don’t think tho elon musk puts people that are not rocket engeniers there with a degree in rocket science and aero nautics.

I don’t know for USA these are the rules in EU.
They want more people working on the street I guess, at the grocery store, mcdonalds so they raised the standards.

Soon they won’t allow us to burn fire wood, and only drive in electric cars made by Musk lol.

All shades of untrue. If you have the right IQ they’ll invite you to work for them. Regardless of what papers you publish or degrees you acquired.
(Obviously is quite rare for high IQ people not to have degrees, but it does happen).

Also, recently NASA is complicit in this conutry’s educational scam. To err is human, sure. But failing multimillion dollar missions over “forgetting” to convert between feet and meter or similar is at the very least, worriesom.
Particularly when the same place managed to issue an epic against all odds mission that is still traveling outside the solar system prior to all the hard recent failures.
Case in point, a degree means less than nothing.

If you live in Europe you have to put up with them commies running your countries and education system - of recent, that’s true in the US too… we are all in the same sinking ship :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah it’s true, if you build them a spaceship they will.
Remember all the genius people are flunk outs like Enstien and Tesla they flunk high school, so that is true too.

If you are really good I agree, but you have to be good to get into high places, if you are not like very good the licence that you got counts too. I don’t agree with any of this, but these are just the rules.

If you are really good then it does not matter at all.

Thing is, I don’t understand Visual Coding. Blueprints makes no sense to me. However, Python, C#, and Lua does. I even made basic games with two engines and a framework that uses these languages or similar. Is there a place for at least someone who understands basic coding and game engine concepts to learn Unreal? Like, Begin seems similar to Start in Unity, or Ready in Godot. Tick is similar to Unity’s Update.

You know who you are dealing with.
This people may think taking Dark Basic and making it work in Unreal is a “good” idea…
I’d beg you to be extra careful what you wish for :stuck_out_tongue: