It’s pointing to a reffrence address sector, locking it into place , it could point to many addresses depending on the size of bits it has, like ocupy more than one address.
It is a refrence because by definition it’s what a refrence is, in plain english refrence comes from refering to objects with a label, pointing at them with the finger.
They are defined as different things depending how you view things, an address is just a refrence, then there are the other refrences they talk about really in tuts refrencing and de ref.
byte - What does address mean in hex? - Stack Overflow
Some people speak in different dialects. Lol
What is a hex address.
Hex, decimal, and symbol values - IBM Documentation
The hexadecimal values are provided as a reference. For any literal value specified in the Type Designer Properties window, hexadecimal values must be enclosed in double angle brackets. For example, <<0A>> represents the hexadecimal value for a line feed character.
To add to my notion, think of the processor, and the ram, the cpu has to place calls on the ram, and to do this to know where to place calls it has a thing called instruction sets.
These instruction sets contain information on memory alocation, it contain memory addresses, so it contains refrence to the memory addresses it wants to dial up and call. This is called a refrence point
When you are creating a pointer you are creating a refrence point to handle the call.
So refrence points or pointer are memory addresses that get called by the cpu that has these addresses stored up as a refrence point where to call, where to place the call on the ram.
It actually amuses me how little software engienier knows, they had a bit of extra c++ knowlege and they think they are software engeniers, hahaha. Has no knowlege of general computer science at all Procedure Calls, Remote Procedure Calls on pointer refrences.
Never let anyone tell you a hex address is not a refrence point