I just got into an argument with someone on discord about pointers.
He was MIT, Mythological Instinctual Temperal character.
There are examples and tutorial of advanced pointer manipulation that do not look simple at all.
Anyway I was telling him that pointer is just a refrence to an object located inside of memory.
He said it’s not a refrence, but it is a refrence.
So imagine two people talking, and they are talking about a person, and one is talking the other is listening and the one talking is talking about the other person that is not there, and the other guy stops him and says, who are you talking about , who are you refering to, and he says, why I’m “reffering to” "then says the name of the character. So his name becomes a refrence to all they talked about, only now it’s clear who they are talking about.
His name, his address may be a refrence to him and what he is about, so pointer refrence is in fact the address in hexa decimal code and it’s an address for the content living inside that address.
So it’s called actually a refrence because of the locking of address, it’s a permanent address in a dynamic sea, the lock creates a permanent reffrence where the the content lives permanent, and this is called direct memory alocation, and direct memory access, while the rest is random memory access and alocation, and it fluctuates, changes address and so on in a random way. There for the name RAM - random memory.
Will some one tell the softaware enginere what Ram and locking is, the engeneier from planet Jupiter.
I will give you some stuff if you want I have to dig on my PC with complex pointer system, to see how complicated it can become, with Tables of Arrays interchanging addresses moving things inside the ram, to create a dynamic structure that fluctuates by interchanging places.
I could go on. The individual data of the elements of a table get allocated with calculations per bit, per bits, and so on, each get’s alocated depending on the dynamic function call.
I cannot , I am not there regarding this, I need to go over the pointer system over and over, anyone does to learn good.
I actually understand basic pointers and where they reside.