How textures like in this screen shot of resident evil village landscape has high resolution with very small area are they decals that are put together or are they landscape painting techniques because however high resolution landscape i create i can’t achieve this resolution of textures
You are comparing two completely different engines.
Resident Evil Village uses RE Engine, it is Capcom’s proprietary engine.
They surely have tech optimized for terrains as seen in many of their other games such as the monster hunter franchise. Probably some sort of texture streaming system via volumes.
I’d say a decal is much more likely.
Because you can have localized stuff everywhere with little to no cost.
Injecting large textures into the landscape itself is stupid. Period.
It just increases your baseline cost for no reason and makes it harder to manage - removal at a diatance and similar effects end up costing even more.
Thanks it had worked for me, since you know about decals wanted to ask you if i want make car tracks on the landscape and they will be long tiled car tracks covering long distances how could i achieve this i don’t know if i could use a spline for a decal or not I don’t think it is painting because i want it to have high texture and fake hight as in this image of battlefieldtank tires : thanks for you in advance.
Virtual heighfield mesh and splnes with meshes may be a better solution to this.
Actually you can probably just make a track mesh and use a spline directly. You just have to run the same texture for the WPO Z that you run into the landscape as the base color for the tank track so that no matter where its placed the color of it almost always merges in with the landscape itself.
The mesh would likely look like a tall flat track with fading sides specifically made to poke out from under the landscape. The landscape itself would probably make the “track” mark.
If combined with the heighfield system and RTV you get some pretty perfect looking yet still runtime viable results.
I mean. If you are ok with the 20fps that UE offers you anyway…
Decals dont offset height, so you wouldnt be able to play with the light more than a Normal Map would allow.
And so you are aware, battelfield is 100% done with decals. Look up vids, they are pretty amazing for a change.
Their engine is kinda special though.
Since the mesh that i will use as a spline will be created as displaced upwards, what about the other desserted tiny long rivers in the image on the left that have some reflectings, how should i create it to be displacing downwards a landscape and blends with it
Thats probably too much detail for landscapes unless the river falls precisely into a row of vertex.
No one making professional games uses the epic landscape except indy teams (and most of those snub them too).
That siad, the virtual heightfield mesh can capture the spline and output it into a single mesh to create something that looks closer to the image and close to a an actual river…
Then are you saying that landscapes in games as hogwarts legacy are made in other softwars?
Thay have tools like that displacing the land and they are imported as a mesh because importing a mesh with these details and vertices is a lot of space and computing?
Can you give an example of a software that creates these landscapes because when going in free cam mod in games like hogwarts legacy i reely found that the landscape of the first level for example are really some small squares of 10 metre space that are above each other and blended with rocks and grass to hide the edges of these squares
There is a bridge tool for Unreal Engine.
Though you would have to buy the professional license to put the terrain in a commercially sold game.
A slightly cheaper option also with the possibility to export to UE
Just Blender or Houdini.
Houdini by SFX has some very advanced and industry acclaimed filters for terrain generation and erosion, so you can punch in numbers and carve out a natural looking landscape.
It was used as the origin of the farcry 4 landscape.
When dealing with real terrain data, you just use GIS and DTMs in as close to a 1:1 lidar flavor as you can source. From the DTM you produce your own scaled heightmap. And from the heightmap you can make a mesh in any system.
The benefits of not using unreal landscape is that your terrain mesh can be Analytical. You can allocate more verts where you need - like the river bed - while having less where you don’t. Any flat area.
The landscape is usually cut up into pieces that make sense for rendering and occlusion.
That’s all there is to it really…
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