Okay, sorry for a newbie question, but it drives me nuts, I can’t do it on my own. I want to get into gamedev so I made myself an exercise. I wanted to do a 3d model, do the textures, animate it and then see it in an engine. I genuinely thought the modelling will be the hardest part, I stand corrected. So I made a gyroscope in Blender and made the hoops spin (I cheated a bit, as I didn’t do any rigging, I just rotated the whole objects). When I was done, I thought this is it, all I have to do is to export it as FBX file and drag&drop it into the scene like I’m already doing with assets bought on the store. Nope, when I finally figured few things out, like animations not being imported by default (or at least upon double checking I had that option unchecked), I still can’t make the bloody thing do the animation. Two problems:
Despite others were able to figure out how to make UE combine the components, I can’t. When I import the FBX file, I just get bunch of objects I have to assemble in the scene.
I have no idea how to apply the animation.
The import dialogue seems to be different in UE 5.1, that doesn’t help. One of the warnings/errors mentioned a particular FBX format (I forgot I think it was 2022.4), which begs the question, is Blender able to export it in a suitable format at all? I found a tool that implies that Blender is not very good at experting, so I should buy this addon (https://www.blendermarket.com/products/better-fbx-importer--exporter).
So how exactly do you import custom created object that is animated from Blender? Or maybe I should use different modelling software? Or perhaps one should only import the objects and animate in UE editor. If you know “which buttons to press”, is it ever as simple as dragging&dropping the imported animated model into the scene?