I want to edit static mesh’s collision presets in blueprint.
I used “Set Collision Profile Name” node, but it’s not working.
How edit static mesh collision preset in BP?
HI, What exactly is not working? Does the object still not block other objects in the scene?
I want to make editor utility widget for editing collision preset (for multiple assets).
So I make like this.
“Set Collision Profile Name” node is for primitive component. But static mesh assets is not component. So I tried to use “cast to primitive component” node but it also dosen’t working.
Ok, you should see what class they are and cast to that(I assume it is static mesh actor). Also use prints on cast failed to see if you are succeeding with the cast.
Then, the “Set Collision Profile name” node requires Primitive Component, but the Object reference cannot be cast as Primitive Component. I think the Collision Presets property of the picture is somewhere. Is there a way with C++?