I need to link a 32 bit DLL now, is there any way to link a 32 bit DLL in ue4?
I don’t believe that is something you can do, regardless of using UE4 or not. Here’s a few options, but obviously the best option is to find a 64bit version (or compile one yourself) of whatever library you are using.
In fact, I have a 64-bit DLL.This DLL of mine is actually an MFC window. The function I want to achieve is to open an HTML file through the IE kernel and load the ActiveX control in it.However, this MFC window is loaded with 32-bit ActiveX control by default. It has been unable to load 64-bit ActiveX control. There is no way but to go back to using 32-bit DLL.If you know how to modify the IE kernel (not the browser) so that it can directly load the 64-bit ActiveX control, I hope you can tell me, thank you.