How does this get updated?

It seems that unfortunately they had changed how it works to not support cross round saving sry, I didnt know this change had happened sry for leading ya the wrong path.

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@Mineblo thanks for the heads up on Score being local to the round, you’ve probably saved me a headache later on.

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No problem :heart: @Hardcawcanary

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Ah that is sad … well its okay thanks for the help

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ok so I found a way to keep the score for the next round check here:

but now I am having a problem when using the stats It triggers a no rollback error if I add another if

This invocation calls a function that has the ‘no_rollback’ effect, which is not allowed by its context.(3512)

If you could show me the error that’d be great also Keep in mind while these are saved across rounds they are also saved ACROSS GAMES so one could leave in the middle of a round and then join in a different game in the start of like round 2 or something

Its okay I figured it out i needed to use Then after the if and add another condition
here is the working one if you still want to check it out

Playspace: fort_playspace = GetPlayspace()
        AllPlayers: []player = Playspace.GetPlayers()
        for (SAgent : AllPlayers):
                PlayerStats := PlayerStatsManager.GetPlayerStats[SAgent]
                Wins:= PlayerStats.Wins.CurrentValue
                Loss:= PlayerStats.Losses.CurrentValue
                Print("Wins :{Wins}")
                Print("Loss :{Loss}")
                if (Wins= 1): 
                if (Wins= 0):

Here is the one that was annoying xD

Playspace: fort_playspace = GetPlayspace()
        AllPlayers: []player = Playspace.GetPlayers()
        for (SAgent : AllPlayers):
                PlayerStats := PlayerStatsManager.GetPlayerStats[SAgent]
                Wins:= PlayerStats.Wins.CurrentValue
                Loss:= PlayerStats.Losses.CurrentValue
                Print("Wins :{Wins}")
                Print("Loss :{Loss}")
                if (NewWinCount = 1): 

here is the error

What is DefScore? is it a trigger device?

yes i wanted to use a score manager directly but it doesnt work for some reason so i binded it to a trigger device

the score manager doesnt have trigger as a function. Replace .Trigger() with .Activate()

yes I know i tried it with agent and without but it didnt work i will give it one more try tbh i think it could work

yeah it just doesnt trigger …

Put a Print inside there and check if the code even runs that part

I already have a print there and other stuff and they all run but when it comes to the score manger it doesnt i need to bind it to a trigger to do so, i think it wont affect much the map or the memory so it is ok for now xD