Hello! I have some issue. With blueprint i use node “Get active device profile name” and i have return value “Adreno4xx”-High (my device is so old and its from china. my test device is low-tech). then im go to windows tab " Device profiles and set “Android_Adreno4xx High to Low” . Packaging with updated profile and im run again and i have another return value, node “Get active device profile name” return “Mali_4xx”-Low. This problem only on this device. In test device two a have correct return: Android_Mid(Lg-Fino)
Please answer my questions:
- How does the unreal engine recognize which device is currently connected?
- How can I change the recognition of devices?
- Where i can fund more information about this issue.( i already readed all information concerning unreal engine sites)
ps:Im currently use both blueprint and c++.