Hi All
Can someone give me a very quick illustration of how ParseIntoArray is used in C++? I can’t seem to get it to work. I think the problem may be how I’m declaring the const TCHAR delimitor…
Hi All
Can someone give me a very quick illustration of how ParseIntoArray is used in C++? I can’t seem to get it to work. I think the problem may be how I’m declaring the const TCHAR delimitor…
looks like this works;
const TCHAR *delim;
delim = TEXT("%")
For the single delimiter version of the function:
FString Str = TEXT("Parse,Into,Array,,Example");
TArray<FString> Parsed;
Str.ParseIntoArray(&Parsed, TEXT(","), false);
// Parsed now contains ["Parse", "Into", "Array", "", "Example"]
If you had passed ‘true’ instead of false, the empty string would be missing from the array.
The multi-delimiter version of the function looks like this:
FString Str = TEXT("Parse,Into...Array--Example");
const TCHAR* Delims[] = { TEXT("-"), TEXT("..."), TEXT(",") };
TArray<FString> Parsed;
Str.ParseIntoArray(&Parsed, Delims, 3);
// Parsed now contains ["Parse", "Into", "Array", "Example"]
In this variant, each of the specified delimiters can split the string, and empty strings (e.g. delimited by the two dashes) are never added to the array.
Hope this helps,
Hey,I get next error
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error C2664 'int32 FString::ParseIntoArray(TArray<FString,FDefaultAllocator> &,const TCHAR **,int32,bool) const': cannot convert argument 1 from 'TArray<FString,FDefaultAllocator> *' to 'TArray<FString,FDefaultAllocator> &' SacredCards ~\Private\BasePlayerState.cpp 442
Since this question was answered, the API to ParseIntoArray has changed to take a TArray reference instead of a pointer. The above example code should now just use Parsed instead of &Parsed.
Hope this helps,