How Does One Rig & Animate?

So I’m a bit confused on how to go about rigging and animating, I use 3ds 2015 and Unreal Engine (duh). I also have Motion Builder, but I haven’t messed with that.
So do I rig and make animations for my character in 3ds and then export it to Unreal Engine? Or do I rig and animate my character in Unreal Engine? And what is A.R.T exactly? Is it part of Unreal Engine? A plugin for Maya? Should I use it? Is there a plugin for 3ds as well?

You create your rigg and animation in a 3d program (in your case 3ds ) :slight_smile:
After that import them into the UE4.

It’s also possible to create animations in the UE4, but there you are not so flexible.
A.R.T is a plugin for maya to create riggs and animations -> https://docs.unrealengine/latest/INT/Engine/Content/Tools/MayaRiggingTool/index.html

Thank you , so in your opinion, just stick to using 3d program since it offers more than UE4?

Lot of stuff to look at, that is out there in the internet world. To get a basic overview and to see someone’s 2d workflow, here is a set of tutorials that I looked at recently and really loved: ?v=s3UugtF1ktc&list=PLZFR-eziSwLbHSJVlctX1K_T8fIyOWzs1
Granted, it’s 2d and Maya, but there is a lot to learn here.
Good Luck!

Yep, just use a 3d program :slight_smile: