Personally I use skeletal mesh in combination with physics asset collisions and physical materials. Break the hit result -> phys mat + bone.
Ah OK so that is how you are supposed to do it, can this be done on a static mesh?
I already use a system based on what scene component was hit for determining when the weapons are hit and I hate texturing so I guess I will use suggestion 3 (I did create a system like 3 before but it would sometimes let projectiles go all the way through it without registering a hit though this was probably just me incorrectly setting up the collision.)
So I guess if the proper way involves textures I will be using the alternate way.
I donât know whether or not it is the âproperâ way, but physical materials work on anything where you apply a material. So it can be done with a static mesh. When you break the hit result -> phys mat, that will give you the physical material youâve hit.
Normally you can only have one physical material per material (no texture needed here, you just specify what physical material you want). Since that may be a limitation, with a physical material mask youâre supposed to be able to have several different physical materials applied to one material. But then of course you would need to specify where they are, and apparently you would do that via a texture. But I never used a physical material mask.
simply put, you can add small colliders where you want âweakpointsâ in the BP class, so âonhitâ something happens to the vehicle