How does Fortnite's system detect AFK players?

Hey Epic Devs & Fortnite enthusiasts,

I’ve been curious about the mechanics behind how the developers detect players who are AFK. It’s quite intriguing how the game can identify players who might not be actively participating in the match. Could anyone shed some light on the technical aspects or algorithms that the developers might be using to accomplish this? I’m fascinated by the behind-the-scenes work that makes our gaming experience smoother and fairer. Thanks in advance for any insights you can provide!

Happy building and happy gaming,

@ScoutJLY Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.

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Thank you; it will be helpful to know how it was determined. We are in the midst of studying gamers psychology and behaviour in UGC games. I’m looking forward to the answers from the devs.

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