How does ALandscape::LandscapeComponents work with World Partition?

I need to read the heights of a Landscape at startup. When I create a level using the Basic map template and create a Landscape I can read various things about the Landscape through the LandscapeComponents array in the Landscape. When I create the level using any of the Open World map templates the Landscape doesn’t get any Landscape Components, not even after a few seconds of play time so it doesn’t seem to be a streaming delay problem.

How do I read get the Landscape Components in an Open World / World Partition level?


This is what I’ve tried so far.

// What I originally had. Is now an empty array.

ULandscapeInfo* LandscapeInfo = Landscape->GetLandscapeInfo();

// Use the ForAllLandscapeComponents function.
    [&NumLandscapeComponents, &Landscape](ULandscapeComponent*)
        // This lambda is executed 0 times.

// Get Landscape Components from the Landscape's Streaming Proxies.
// This array is empty.
for (ALandscapeStreamingProxy* StreamingProxy : LandscapeInfo->Proxies)
        // What I would like to access, but this lambda also executes 0 times.

// Another type of Proxy.
    [&NumLandscapeComponents](ALandscapeProxy* Proxy)
        // What I would like to access, but this lambda also executes 0 times.

// Use the Collision Components instead.
Landscape.RecreateCollisionComponents(); // Try to force creation. Makes no difference.
for (ULandscapeHeightfieldCollisionComponent* CollisionComponent : Landscape.CollisionComponents)
    // Loop body executed 0 times.

// Try to use the global getter, but this gives me a liker error.
const TArray<ALandscapeProxy*>& Proxies = ALandscapeProxy::GetLandscapeProxies();
for (ALandscapeProxy* Proxy : Proxies)

What worked for me to get those components is to delete the default landscape. and create a new one. could’ve been version upgrade from 5.3.0 to 5.3.1 not sure. but now I have the components.

Is now crashing for me on calling this code:


texture size was incorrect at first, now its showing an error with streaming proxy something. can’t figure out whats wrong.