Hey! i’m pretty new to unreal engine, and i want to make a paper Mario styled game.The problem is that the only sprites that i found on the Internet are split into multiple parts, and i don’t know how to use them. Here is the picture i want to use:
If someone could answer to my question with beginner Unreal Engine vocabulary, i would be very happy .
I dont think Unreal Engine can do this directly ! You probably need to make separate sprite (flipbook).
The only engine that I know can use this type of images directly is UbiArt or Scirra
Import it into UE4, then rightclick on the image, then “Sprite Actions” and choose extract sprites. By default, UE4 will automatically try to detect the actual sprites.
When you’re done, delete all useless sprites(the text for example).
Now to the real part: since the sprites are all segmented, you have to manually assemble them in your character blueprint. You can simply add sprite components, offset them so it looks right and you’re done.
But be aware, it can get a bit complex when your character has many components!
ok, thanks for the clarifications TriNityGER, but how do i make animations with the multiple parts now? Like if i want to make a walking animation, or a jumping one…
Well, thats the thing… you have to synchronize everything by yourself. If you want animations, use FlipbookComponents instead of SpriteComponents. You can create a flipbook from one or more sprites. Just select them in the content browser, right click and select create flipbook. Then you can set collision, playrate and stuff.