How do you use Motion Design and Blueprints?

I’ve been struggling for a week to get something to work, but haven’t had any luck. I have a Media Plate that I’m controlling through the Level BP, which allows me to change the image source on the fly, as well as start, stop and hide it. I’ve managed to get this working in the Level.

I’ve also created a widget with some text and design elements that I want to be able to change the content of (the actual text), as well as hide/show elements. I’ve managed to get all of this working, but it’s not synchronizing/working all together (Media Plate & Widget) when I try to render a movie through the Movie Render Queue.

So, I was thinking, wouldn’t it be better to create this via the new Motion Design capabilities in 5.4? However, I can’t even get the controlling of the Media Plate to work.

Where should I put my logic (Event BP / Motion Design Sequence BP / Custom BP?) and how do I reference my Media Plate and text? In the Motion Design Sequence BP, I can’t seem to get to my Media Plate and text.

I’m at a complete loss and hoping someone can steer me in the right direction. :sweat:

(I don’t want to trigger all this through keyframes, just one keyframe at the start that triggers all kinds of changes, over a variable time.)