I activated movie record recording 1080 from the matinee control panel and the only way I could turn it off was to force quit unreal engine.
It was even worse when I recorded 2160 resolution. The entire screen was filled with a segment of the movie and the only way I could turn it off was to unplug my computer!.
Does anyone know how to stop movie record from recording? Thanks.
Doesn’t anyone on the UE4 team know the answer? I was impressed by the Kite video and so I chose Ue4 originally to build a very large (29 GB) level to make a video, so it’s pretty fundamental to the reason for doing the project.
Select your matinee actor, then open the level blueprint, right click and type in “matinee” and it should pick the "Create Matinee Controller for… " for your matinee actor. Then you get an event with a “finished” execution pin coming out and you can trigger a “quit game” from there. That’ll stop your matinee movie recording.