How do you think the character animation was done in this video(mgrr:blade mode)

Trying to figure this out,any help or direction is appreciated!

Hey @R000ney!

Which portion specifically are you referring to, as there are a lot of moving parts here. The slashes depending on direction, moving the arms, slashing and moving, these are all different pieces to the bigger puzzle.

And additional specifics you provide may go a long way in solving your problem!

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Oh,my bad!
I was particularly looking for the slash depending on direction, and moving arms.
So basically I want my character to be able to swing the sword in any direction/angle.
Appreciate the reply(been stuck on this since weeks :grinning:)

looks to me like they’re blending/switching between poses on the spine based on the axis value of whatever input is driving the change in direction, then playing a montage matched to the start point