The issue I am having is when I install the UDK it stops mid way through and I need to hit “resume”. If it fully installs without quitting, I then have an issue telling me the file is corrupt when I try to run it. I have tried a few torrents of the software and still no luck. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? I have Windows 8 and have not completely gotten it down yet. Some one told me to try and run as administrator, which I did and still no luck. Sorry I should also add that when I go directly to the link I am getting the “404 page not found error”.
The AnswerHub is reserved for Unreal Engine 4 questions and not for UDK. If you’re having trouble with UDK you can post your questions on the Epic Games Forums here.
To at least offer some assistance, I am currently using Windows 8 with my system setup here at Epic and I’ve just installed and loaded the UDK August 2014 build with no issue.