How do you start an animation using a Blueprint on a Static Mesh?

Hi guys,
Does anyone know how to start an animation using a Blueprint on a Static Mesh?
I have this but it’s obviously now working!


Hey @will108!

Generally when you animate you are using a skeletal mesh. Is this a singular static mesh? What kind of animation are you trying to accomplish?

If this is not for the static mesh, I see you might be attempting to do an animation for a widget. Is that the case?

Any additional specifics you can provide may go a long way in solving your problem!


Thanks, I imported a character via mixamo and it created an Animated Sequence, which works, but I want to shoot it and have it fly off like a static mesh, but when I enable physics the Animated Sequence drops to the floor.
So I created a Blueprint of the static mesh, enabled physics, so it flies off when hit, but I need it to be animated now.


Hey @will108,

So if I am understanding this correctly, you want the mesh to become a static mesh but you would still like it to be animated as if it was a skeletal mesh is that correct? And this is because you want to launch it in a certain direction? Can you explain more about the launching affect you are trying to achieve?

So, I am so close.
I am using the level blueprint to start the animation, which is working.
The on hit destroy is not working.
As you can see, the top connections are the animation, the bottom is the hit event.

The code is based on a Skeletal Mesh.
Any help please?

Hey @will108!

Your bullet should already destroy itself upon impact as defined in BP_FirstPersonProjectile. Are you trying to destroy the zombie upon impact? Or upon landing after being shot? If you want to destroy the zombie on impact you would only need to add a node to your BP, but i don’t think that is what you are aiming for:

Done it:

Play the animation and on hit, die. Simple…

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