how do you start a project on the unreal engine 4.9

I can’t start a project no matter what ! I’ve search on some websites and they don’t say so.

Hi GameCreaterT,

Once you get your launcher and editor installed, getting a project off the ground is a quick and painless process. If you go to your launcher and press the Launch (engine version) button:

After this, you will be brought to the project browser. Select the New Project tab. This will let you choose between blueprint and c++ templates, based on your needs. Select the template or blank project that best matches your needs, then decide whether or not you want to add starter content to the project. Finally, name the project and choose your folder filepath for where you want it created, then press create.

Once you’ve done this, you should be ready to go! Be sure to check out our getting started guide here:

This wiki pages explains a situation I was facing recently when pressing the Launch button didn’t allowed me to start a new project but rather opened the latest opened project instantly. So if you’re not seeing the Project Browser window check out the above link for instructions.