I am working with the landmass plugin and had a question about whether you can spawn in blueprint brushes through blueprints. When I use “spawn actor” it spawns in the blueprint but doesn’t affect the landscape. It does work when I add it to the “edit layer blueprint brushes” tab but I plan on making many brushes and don’t want to add them all manually. Does anybody know if it’s possible? There is a similar question on a forum but the poster answered his own question vaguely in my opinion. They said: “Found a solution by creating a blueprint that uses LandscapeBlueprintBrush as the parent class.” but that that doesn’t mean much to me. The most I could get out of that is try to spawn the actor from a blueprint that is parenting the bp above. Any help would be greatly appreciated
I am totally guessing here, but it seems like the spawning of the brush doesn’t trigger the landscape to change or move. I suggest pulling from the Return Value node to see if there is an accompanying function that also modifies / updates the terrain.