How do you set AnimTrail color through BP?

Hi! I have a anim trail particle system that’s emitted from a skeletal mesh (since afaik you can’t place them separately) in my pawn BP. I’d like to change its particle color through the BP but I can’t find where since I’m not sure what I should be accessing or how.

Assigning a DynMat to the Skeletal Mesh doesn’t help since it’s the animation its playing that spawns the trail. I had the material connected to a global param before, but that breaks when several pawns are in play at the same time.

I’m doing the same thing as this tut;

Is this le imposible?

This isn’t exactly what you’re asking for, but it worked for me in a similar situation, so hope it helps…From what I can tell, there’s no way to set the color parameter on the particle system for the anim trail directly, since its attached to the animation montage and you can’t really access that.

HOWEVER…You can modify the material used by the particle system that creates the anim trail to use a Material Parameter Collection to get its color. And then you CAN modify the Material Parameter Collection in a BP at runtime. The Material Parameter Collection basically acts as a sort of global variable that your particle system can access to get its color info.

Its actually a lot simpler than my description probably makes it sound…I’ve attached a few screenshot to try to help, and here is a link to the UE4 Material Parameter Collection docs that helped me a lot: [UE4 Material Parameter Collections][1]
