How do you run UnrealBuildTool verbose

I’m having an issue with building my project (an error reading environment variables) and i would like to run the buildtool in verbose mode, so that I can see these messages:

Log.TraceVerbose( "Finished creating .bat file.  Environment variables will be written to {0}.", EnvOutputFileName );

Does someone know how to do this?

The issue I have is quite strange. If I start unreal engine (build from source) normally (UE4Editor.exe) I do get an error when building my project: Failed to read environment variables from XML file

When I start unreal engine in debug mode, from visual studio, I do not get this error. So actually what I want to do is make sure the build tool runs in verbose mode when I start the unreal engine directly from the .exe. Is this possible?

Thanks for any information!

append -verbose to the command line calling UnrealBuildTool

worked for me! (sadly it didn’t reveal anything new)