We have an EditInlineNew object:
class UObjectiveKillEnemies: public UObjective
UPROPERTY(Category = "Paramters", EditAnywhere)
TSubclassOf<class UEnemy> TypeToKill;
UPROPERTY(Category = "Paramters", EditAnywhere)
int NumberToKill;
UPROPERTY(Replicated, Transient)
int CurrentKillCounter;
It is referenced as member variable like this:
class UMisson: public UObject
UPROPERTY(Category = "Paramters", EditAnywhere, Replicated, Instanced)
TSubclassOf<class UObjective> Objective;
So when the client kills an enemy, the server will increase the CurrentKillCounter and then the server should replicate the counter value to the client, so that the client sees his progress for the mission.
We declared GetLifetimeReplicatedProps, ReplicateSubobjects and IsSupportedForNetworking.
But we get the error:
“Stably named sub-object not found”