How do you open the Grand Theft Auto V file location?

Hello, reader

I am having some trouble finding out how to find the file location for my recently installed Grand Theft Auto V. Whenever I seem to right-click the Grand Theft Auto V shortcut, it won’t give me the option of “Open file location” like other games will. I have also noticed that the file type for the shortcut is an “Internet Shortcut (.url)”. I also found out that the Grand Theft Auto V file doesn’t even exist on my PC! It is as if the file was never put onto my computer and I have never gotten Grand Theft Auto V before. it wasn’t as obvious then, you may already notice that I’m trying to install mods for singleplayer use only. I’m not sure if this was a stunt to protect hackers or whatnot, or I’m just not looking in the right area.

It would mean a lot if someone would get back to me as soon as possible as I am eager to play this game with what Mods have to offer

  • Shadow

If you can’t recall where you installed it, you can always see the Target in the shortcut properties. It will point at the executable. Admittedly, I have no clue how it works so you might be looking at a launcher redirector, not a shortcut at all. :slight_smile:

Btw, you’re in Unreal Engine 4 Answer Hub - it’s geared towards game development rather than troubleshooting. Consider seeking additional help in the game’s forums instead.

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