How do you manifest your ideas?

Hey guys

This might be a dumb question, but I’m going to ask it anyway.

Where do you learn to create things that haven’t been made yet? Luckily there’s a lot of info out there now that you can create 80% of the game you want - but say you have a particular idea and in theory it should be possible, how do you get it done?

For example, in Modern Warfare 2019 there are third person animations for switching weapons. Instead of it going on to your back like every other game, they actually hang from a sling on the character model. This should be doable but no other games have really done it, so how would I go about learning how to do that?

Thanks :slight_smile:

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is not a dumb question.

you use brain + experience and try to find a solution. most of the time it fails but that is normal. keep trying.

what for you is an amazing “new” things, for top devs like those that work on the engine is most of the time just pushing the engine one step above what can already do.

there are decades of knowledge behind all of this and if when one knows the engine up and down coming up with something “new” is possible.

then you need to study what other people are doing, there are universities and researchers out there that do theoretically research, work on new equations or algorithms. This new knowledge is then implemented in the engine.

another part of the equation are the hardware manufacturers like nvidia or amd. they both come up with new hardware or listen to people like those that work on the engine to provide new solutions that can push the tech one step further.

some links

for the weapon sling, you want to know how to do that or it was just an example?

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