Hello everyone, how could I create a press F to flip over action. This is a car game you can flip over so I’m trying to make a flip over system. If anyone could help please do, thank you! If anyone could get this to work in the advanced car template that would also help.
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You can adjust the Center of Mass to something super below the ground level and the vehicle should right itself on its own. In the vehicle BP add the input action for the “F” key and on pressed set the Center of Mass negative in the Z to like 5000 or more from its start point and then after either a delay or on released set it back to its starting center of mass. doing this will let gravity grab it and right it for you. I just tested it and its simple and it works really well.
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To test it out set your vehicle already flipped in the scene and then when you play press F to have it start to flip over.
Thanks! It works!
it works, what i can do if i get out of the car and i want to flip it from outside, like in 3rd person game