How do you make a billboard sprite unlit?

I am new to Unreal and I know how to create billboards but the problem I am running into is that the sprite is always lit. I am starting to work on a first person horror game but with the style of old school fps (like doom).That is, 2d Sprites in a 3D world. I need to be able to use dark environments but I can’t get the billboard sprites to be unlit. Any help would be greatly appreciated. (Also, if billboards is the wrong way to go about this I would like to know another way of doing it.) Thanks all.

Hello! Do you want it to be translucent and fade away for in some period of time or just be masked in one moment? Take a look at Material Billboard - there you can use shader nodes

Hey! Thanks for responding. I’ll take a look at the shader nodes. What I am wanting if for the sprite to be dark in dark environments. Like a dark room. The problem I am running into is that even without any lights the billboards are lit and seeable. The non billboard sprites are fine. They have translucent unlit sprite material attached and are unseeable without a light being used (the player is given a flashlight). Any other thoughts is super appreciated.