How do you hide the control rig in sequencer?


I’m using the control rig in sequencer but can’t quite work out how to hide the control rig after adding the metahuman as a track - pressing the key ‘G’ hides camers, lights, etc. but not the control rig.


So I’m not sure how to hide the control rig stuff exactly. But I’ve might of found a way to “effectively” hide it by basically saving and closing your sequence and then opening it up again.

The control rig stuff might only show up when the MetaHuman is selected. So you could select something else in the sequence to make the control rig go away; but if the MetaHuman is the only thing in your sequence, then I don’t know how to unselect it exactly. But it seems when you close and reopen the sequence, the sequence seems to open with nothing selected/highlighted.

This works for me, but I am a very basic engine user that hardly knows what he’s doing, and I don’t know what you were intending to do with the Control Rig. I’m not even using the sequencer to make animations or anything like that. I was just using the sequencer as a way to get at the Facial Rig for MetaHumans. Basically the only thing I’ve been doing is examining the MetaHuman presets inside Unreal Engine, manipulating their faces with the Facial Rig, and then taking screenshots of the result. (Basically I’m trying to say I really don’t know very much, but I hope what little help I was able to provide helped in some way. >_< )


If you have the control rig visible in Sequencer, you can go to the upper left Animation panel tab. (Where your Place Actors panel is)
Expand the animation tab and click on Hide Manipulators to turn the visibility for the control rig for face and body on and off.


Thanks, that helps! :slight_smile: I don’t know how I missed that setting in there. Guess I just didn’t realize the in world controls were called Manipulators. I wasn’t able to get the facial manipulators to work anyway (Been using the controls in the animation tab.), so it’s great to be able to hide them.

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Here’s a whole video on using the facial rig. Using the MetaHuman Facial Rig in UE | Unreal Engine - YouTube


Well, that worked for me. :slight_smile:

hi, when i put the metahuman in the sequencer, show the manipulators of face and controls of body, but when i play, it is hidden, i am looking the track “Hide the Control Shapes” no exist, and i need it always enable, also when is not in sequencer, some help? thanks

The per rig hiding of control shapes usually needs to be implemented using anim bool channels inside of the control rig. Then in the forward solve you can use that with logic to set control visibility. There is an example in the metahuman and (manny I think) where under the root_ctrl you’ll find a ShowBodyControls. However, the default MetaHuman one was poorly built so you’ll see the clavicle arrows are still visible when you toggle it off. With some poking around you should be able to understand how to fix it. I normally build my control rigs with a similar global visibility toggle and make sectional ones as well. This becomes incredibly important in 5.4’s later control rigs as by default all layer controls are visible. The responsibility lies on the rig devs to make the UX better.

A very simple solution i found, if it is the same problem, > to hide control rig (i do it, to see if the limbs/fingers are in correct spot, cuz rig fills the screen), is to, -

If you press Shift + 1 you will go to selection mode, which hides the rig, and then in top > Edit > Editor Preferences > Type in search , animation ‘’ and set the shortcut, ALT + T, that’s the one that works for me. Wanted to make it Shift + T but won’t work.

This way, you can quickly toggle on and off Control Rig while working on your anim.

For the MetaHuman control rig, there is a boolean animation channel underneath global_ctrl that is used for showing and hiding controls called ShowBodyControls.

Disabling that will hide the controls. However having said that, it is incorrectly linked since the earlier versions for the clavicle controls. I’ve reported this in a UDN ticket years ago but it still hasn’t been addressed. When we do our own MetaHuman control rigs we usually link the clavicle controls back in back into the visibility section in the Forward Solve graph.

This is the same deal with Manny as well.

Other things to note about this legacy set up is that the pole vectors are using a legacy node that is also not linked up to this global visibility animation boolean channel. This means that if you hide the control rig, the pole vectors will still be rendered as legacy artifact on the screen. You can also update the control rig to link the boolean animation channel to the enabled pin for the Draw Line node located in the IK 2 Bones functions.

