How do you have an object disappear xxx seconds after it has been spawned?

How do you have an object disappear xxx seconds after it has been spawned?

Thanks people

Hi, you can set the LifeSpan of the actor in the Class Defaults section of the Actor:

Or you can set it in Blueprint like:



Thank you!!

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Lifespan worked on the details pane! But how did you get “My Actor” in the blueprint? If I drag the SM_Pickup_Orb into the Event graph, it won’t let me attach it to “Target”.:

Got it! It works if i do it in the BP_playerController event graph like this:

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One more question - it seems like my character can walk up rocks based on “Max Step Height”… but the AI Bot does not seem to have that functionality. (sometimes it seems as though it can walk up tiny rocks, but not big steps)

That could be a navmesh thing, check out this post:

Thank you!

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