How do you get current in use camera using Blueprints?

How do I get the current in use camera Actor object reference?

I added 6 cameras to my level using the ADD button in the main Unreal Engine window. Then I made quick Level Blueprint code so you can press 1,2,3,4,5,6 to go to the different cameras. This part worked.

Now i’d like to move the current camera using WASD, I can make the code for that, but I can’t find a way to get current camera Actor object reference thing for the current camera?

Any ideas how to do this? Does this exist in Blueprints? Is this even possible?

How do you do the 1,2,3,4,5,6? Setting the active camera, or is it a pawn that your possess, or…?

You could just keep track of which one you’re using in an array.

If it’s a pawn, then you can use


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Thanks, I just tried something random and solved it:

Get Player controller → Get View Target

This gives the current camera Actor that the player is seeing through.