How do you get config variables to show up in "Game" section of Project Settings?

It’s embarrassing how long I’ve been working in UE4 and I still can’t figure out how to get config variables to show up under the “Game” section of Project Settings :confused: Any help would be very appreciated!

This is an example of my class definition:

UCLASS(Config = Game, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent), defaultconfig)
class PRIZEFIGHTER_API UBoosterAbilityComponent : public UMeteredAbilityComponent

This is an example of a variable:

UPROPERTY(Category = "Booster|Input", EditAnywhere, Config)
float MinForwardThrustInputForLoopPostDodge = 0.75f;

Hello, did you ever solve this?


This page goes over the different options for getting config variables in your Project Settings

Just added the answer that I found!