How do you exclude exponential height fog from being captured in render target?

Did you uncheck Fog in the scene capture component?

Hello, I am using a render target and capture setup to capture the particle system attached to my player that renders to a Render Target and using that to map where the foliage will bend away from my character. This is all working fine and I am using the ‘Show Only’ flag to capture only the particle effect drawing on the capture poly. However, the Exponential Height Fog is also affecting the capture… and as I move away from the center of the world the fog affects the capture turning it white over time.

Does anyone know where you turn exclude the fog from being added to the capture? is there a Global Setting? Because I don’t see anything in the actor itself

Outstanding! That was it. If you want you can post thaat as your official answer and I’ll accept it

Thank you so much for this. I was into this issue and tired to tinker around to check if its possible but couldnt get it done. Now that i have seen the way you did it, thanks guys with regards

AnswerHUB FTW!!!

thanks my issue has been fixed.