How do you display the remaining time for a delay (in a HUD or a Widget)?
This is an imperative function for my current project.
Hi Fristomer!
You cannot check the remaining time for a Delay specifically, but what you can do is check the elapsed time of a timer, and that should give you what you need.
I can give you some screenshots showing how to set it up, but I’d like to know which parts you need help with in that case:
- Setting up the timer and checking remaining time?
- Creating the Widget?
- Updating the Widget to display remaining time?
- All of the above?
I think for the most part, I can figure it out. I have the widgets I need created, and I think I understand what you’re talking about.
From what you’re telling me, this is what I understand:
Use a “Bind to…” function in the HUD and use that to display the "remaining time (Set Timer “Variable”, subtract “Elapsed time”) or is there a “Remaining Time” function to simplify this? I haven’t used the timer much, because I thought it might have something to do with a “Life” Timer (object was destroyed after the timer expired). I think my whole outlook on this has changed, now. I will play with it and let you know if I have any questions. If I get it to work, I’ll post screenshots for anyone else who would like to see, and if I can’t figure it out, I will ask you to do the same.
I will look into it tonight and if I have any more questions or concerns, I will let you know. Thank you.
Okay, still having problems. Here’s the question: Is there something I need to do to start the timer? I have tried many different things to get a readout, but it always displays “0 sec.” for one second, then timer is no longer active. (See below for why.) I have tried elapsed time and remaining time. Both display 0.
I have tried your method exactly and get the same result. The “TimeIn” Input on the “StartTimer” custom event is set by a float variable also used in the delay in my character blueprint that does the action. The action still delays, but the timer will not display. What am I doing wrong? (I understand that once I get this working I will no longer need the delay, but until I get it working it is helping me to debug.) Basically, here is the deal: I know the “TimeIn” is being set correctly. After that, I have no idea.
if you have the timer vaule the rest of this tutorail might help - YouTube