How do you disable collision for attached actors?

So I have a sports car from the UE5 vehicle template, I have created a socket on the skeletal mesh and am attempting to attach a set of 3 cones to the front of the vehicle via the socket.
As soon as I attach the cones to the front, the car goes flying.

I have attempted the same thing to an actor that is simply a door static mesh, same thing happens.
I don’t want to modify the collision channel so the two don’t collide because the cones on the front of the vehicle should be able to make contact with other vehicles of the same class.
Simulate Physics is enabled on the Car, but not the cones.
If I enable Simulate Physics on the cones, they go flying instead of the car.
Auto Weld is enabled on the cones.
Here is the function where I spawn and attach the cones:

I have also tried using the Ignore Actor when Moving node, but that didn’t seem to make any difference.

I can’t say I’m super familiar with physics on UE5, so it’s totally possible that I’m missing something obvious.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

After some research, Weld Simulated Bodies only works on Static Meshes.
I can disable collision between two actors by using a Physics Constraint . Unfortunately, attaching it using that has the problem that the attached object either falls off if simulating physics or is not simulating physics, and therefore pushes anything it touches as if there was no mass and leads to other strange interactions.

Also of note, when using Attach Actor to Component, it seems to only be the Root component that gets welded, which causes the flying effect.
I solved that by looping through the child components and attaching them each individually:

In the end, my solution was to avoid the Chaos Vehicles entirely, and just use some other movement system to control the vehicles.
I decided to go with EasyVehicleSuspensionV2 and it works perfectly with what I’m trying to do.

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