How do you deal packaging with multiple platforms

If I have a project and want to build it for multiple platforms, do you copy the project and change individual things like umg or is there a more easy way? Thanks

Hi VisualXManCorp

You don’t need to copy the project.
You can create packaging profiles which you can decide which directories to cook / package for specific platforms. This way you will only get the assets required for Windows or Andriod etc and you’re not keeping assets / objects which are not required.

As for the project setup, you can utilize the GameMode and PlayerController classes. I.e. use a player controller for windows and a separate player controller for mobile and other platforms.

If I remember rightly the “Collab Viewer Template” has an example of how Epic handle developing for multiple platforms.

Hope this helps


Thank you very much! It is good to have people like you! I will look for the Template, have a nice day.

No problem. If this resolves your issue, please mark it as the correct answer as it will help those with similar questions.

Good luck with your project!
